Label: Malignant Records
Fuck, man. How the hell am I supposed to review an album that chills me to my very core? I've been grappling with this notion for a couple of weeks and I figured that now is as good a time as any to get over my slump with some borderline unreviewable material. Enter Of Earth And Sun (a project manned by one Matthew Huntzker) and his offering, Uncoiled.
Uncoiled reminds me of Rasalhague's Rage Inside The Window in the way it can give me the physical heebies and psychological geebies. Don't get me wrong now, Uncoiled is more of a "death is an inevitable factor in the universe and there's nothing you can do about it, so quit your bitching and enjoy the sounds of this bone flute," where as Rage Inside The Window is more "JESUSFUCKWHYCAN'TIESCAPETHISMADNESS!??!" I guess what I'm getting at is that Uncoiled is one of only two dark ambient/experimental/
etc... albums that I NEED the lights on to listen to, because shit get intense.
The first two tracks acted as a set up, slowly lulling me with lower oscillator tones and slow almost medicinal beats as tension builds and releases to the unheard tempo of some greater lifeform's heartbeat(s)... and then we enter Veil Of Illumination. The title sounds like it should be a light and comfortable experience, right? Well... if the sounds of the breath of the living passing through the bones of the dead is your ideal soundtrack to a relaxing canoe trip... more power to you. To me, it was nightmare fuel for a couple of nights! Worms made of pure energy entered and exited my skull as they saw fit as the ribcage of the family cat played host to a smaller version of it's self that desperately tried to claw its way out.
I could easily do a track-by-track review of Uncoiled and share all of the soul twisting craziness my schizophrenic brain translates this music into, but I have a mountain of reviews to get to, so this is where I apply the breaks on the crazy train. Uncoiled it a trip and a half that can find footing in the libraries of fans of H.P. Lovecraft, Eraserhead and all of that other shit that probably gets you put on a watch list somewhere for something...
Of Earth And Sun on Facebook
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